Tagged : perdido key buyers RSS Icon
Found 2 blog entries tagged as perdido key buyers.

Are you thinking about moving to Perdido Key? Good move! Life on our beaches is full of picturesque views, a tropical and laid-back lifestyle that promotes relaxation, and studies even suggest that oceanside living is good for your health (which is way easier than aerobics class). 

That’s why Perdido Key has over 30,000 people who call the island home and take advantage of all of the seaside benefits that it has to offer. But it’s not just people - Perdido Key is home to some endangered animals that also rely on its unique environment to thrive. These include the Perdido Key beach mouse, various sea turtles, and the piping plover shore bird. These unique animals are beach lovers just like us, and they don’t want to lose their coastal homes any more

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Many people buy condos in our area with plans to make it a rental throughout the year or even have it available for their family and friends when they are not using it.  These days, the small details really make a difference when it comes to making a vacation home comfortable and inviting for guests.  We’ve gathered a few tips on upgrading your condo with some simple modern luxuries that make a big difference. 

Smart Property Automation

Perdido Key smart condo

The genius of these devices is the fact that you can grant or restrict access to anyone through any device that is web-enabled.  You’ve spent the time and money getting your condo ready for others and when welcoming guests into your rental home, you are entering into a relationship of trust.  Unfortunately, that

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